2022/2023 Enrolment - Enrolment and Waitlist Now Completely Full.

We have a full Waitlist for the 2022/2023 program year and don’t anticipate any openings.

2023/2024 Enrolment - Our Interest List is now Completely Full.

We have a full Interest List for for our 2023/2024 (for children turning 3 or 4 years old) and cannot add any more families to our list at this time. If you are already on our Interest List for 2023/2024, we will reach out via Email if/when an Preschool Visit is available to your family.

2024/2025 Enrolment and Beyond (for children younger than 3)

We are unable to keep Waitlists beyond the next school year. Check back on this page in the early Spring before Fall enrolment when your child is turning 3 or 4 years old to add your name to our Interest List for that year.

Join our Interest List for 2023/2024 (for children turning 3 or 4 years old)

*All new families must have arranged a preschool visit (Open House) before they can request enrolment. If you would like to be added to the Interest List to request a preschool visit with our ECE, fill out the form below. There are limited spaces available for the 2023/2024 year.

Step 1.
Arrange a preschool visit with our ECE by filling out the Interest List form below. We will contact you when our Open House dates in early Spring 2023 are available.

Step 2. Following your visit, submit our Enrolment Request Form that will be emailed directly to you. Contact Melanie if you have already visited the preschool but don’t have access to the Enrolment Request form.

Step 3. If your enrolment is confirmed, you will be notified by e-mail with instructions on how to submit a $100.00 (Non-refundable, Per Child) Deposit. This fee will confirm your child’s spot.